Le Passage
acknowledged as a charitable association and member of SFAP.

Our Association gives emotional and philosophical support to those who are sick and dying, as well as to their grieving family.
Wednesday 19 February at 18h30 à St Sernin de Duras (47 120)
Thursday 6 February at 18h30 at Monségur (33 580) for english speakers
When someone dies it is as if footsteps were stilled, a door were closed, a tree were felled and what if it were a new voyage.
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In our Western society where death is tabou and very often hidden, 80% of the people who die are alone in their last moments. Is this what we want for our family and close friends who will also die one day? Pardoxically, preparing for death, being conscience of these last moments of life, is to embrace the essentialness of our lives and to give a sense to our daily life.
We need to become familiar with the idea of our own death, allow it to mature and become part of us. Becoming familiar with the idea of death reinforces the wish to live fully, and the joy of living each moment of time.
To be accompanied in ones questioning and to own ones parting is an important process.
This is why, in the spirit of humanism and generosity, we have created the Association 'Le Passage'.
... we will be present for you at the end .... We will be there for you in your last moments, we will listen to you, we care ; there are many things that cannot be said to your dear ones that can be shared with us, we will be there for you as you experience these moments of your parting.
... we will listen... Should they so wish, we will give support to your dear ones who grieve your parting. We can be there to hear their grief and give them some philosophical confort. Each mourning process is individual and different. Every bereaved person will go through stages of bereavement - of shock, anger, depression through to acceptation and reconstruction but not necessarily in that order. Some may stay blocked in one of the stages depending on their experiences, their culture and their emotions.
If you wish, and independent of all religious traditions or beliefs, we can offer a philosophical reflexion about death and dying.
Why this association ?
Le Passage makes a point of respecting the specialness of each person.

An Association created and based on the teachings given by the Ayurvedic
centre Arkadhya, directed by Patrick Villette.
The members of the association have participated in the seminars about death and dying at the Ayurvedic Center Arkadhya and continue to benefit from strict and regular updates of their knowledge. They all have the same ethics : all the members share the same values in humanism and generosity. In addition they continue personal work on themselves.
The association's volunteers have the experience of accompanying those who are sick and dying and they believe in the possibility of a new journey after death.
What is Ayurveda ?
The attainment of personal global harmony is at the heart of its definition. That is a balance between the body, the mind, the emotions and the spirit.
"Ayur" means Life and "Veda" means Knowledge, i.e. the sacred texts. Ayurveda literally means the Science of Life. This science originates in and comes to us from India and is more then 5,000 years old. It is to be found in the sacred teachings of Ancient India..
Ayurveda is at once a philosophy, a medical science and an art of living which considers a human being as a composite whole on several levels - physical, emotional, psychic and metaphysical.
Its objective is to unify man - he who is in good health lives in unisson with nature and with his own being. This holistic vision of human life attempts to prevent all diseases, using more than just therapeutic means, it highlights the symbiosis of our health with the universe in which we live.
Ayurveda is one of the traditional medicines recognized by the WHO as being a natural, traditional and integrative health system.
Ayurveda is completely in line with the philosophy of palliative care, and treats the person in his globality. The association's volunteers fully respect the ethics of palliative care without any proselytizing.

We are actually present in 3 departments : The Gironde, Dordogne and Lot et Garonne